“Done is better than perfect”—as many have said. And “baking a cake from scratch is better than ordering one.” (thanks, Mollie Katzen). That said, we often take on too much, start fast and slow down the pace, and aren’t present in everyday life to care for ourselves. We are often so stressed out, that we don’t even realize it. I totally get it because sometimes that was me, and still might be sometimes when the crazy hits. So here’s a challenge I want you to take on to help prevent the craziness from creeping up on you.
When we commit to giving ourselves and others self-care, we practice a discipline that can change our lives and the lives of those around us. If you’re like me, that time may be hard to come by on a regular basis. That was my challenge. I found that by carving out daily time to focus on one big thing gave me space to give myself the love I deserved, while keeping myself accountable for progress and action. When I didn’t have time for 10 smaller things, I still made sure to start and end my days with some self-care. As simple as it sounds, it totally transformed my life. Sometimes it’s easier to do one big thing than 10 small things.
What's One Big Thing?
You might be thinking, “what is that one big thing?” That’s for you to answer. First off, it’s something you already do on a daily (or weekly) basis. It’s not going to be hard to fit into your existing schedule. No screens. No distractions. No thinking about work or planning the next move in your business. Just one big thing.
Self Care Challenge Contract
For the next week, I will complete my challenge before dinner. To make sure that I follow through. I'll tell my friend about the plan. I , [ Insert Name], promise to complete my One Big Thing Challenge.
